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The Delaware Nursery & Landscape Association, DNLA, supports the green industry in Delaware. We provide practical support, education, and advocacy to our members.

The Delaware nursery and landscape industry is truly a GREEN industry with the environment central to its existence. The DNLA is at the heart of that industry. We promote environmentally sensitive landscape policies to our members and assist the Delaware Cooperative Extension in educating homeowners about sustainable landscaping. We have worked to develop appropriate drought restrictions that preserve existing plants and conserve water appropriately in the event of a drought. Through the DNLA Plants of the Year Program, the Association promotes great plants that are well-adapted to Delaware’s environment.

Who is part of the green industry?

Producers, Retailers, Landscapers, Land Managers, Golf Courses, Suppliers – Equipment & Other

DNLA is a proactive GREEN organization!

Join the DNLA

Delaware Certifications

Certifications increase the value of your business and establish your qualifications for specialized services.

Professional Education

View our upcoming events and register for our expo’s and workshops.

Landscape Awards

Each year, two plants (one woody, one herbaceous) are chosen as a DELAWARE PLANT OF THE YEAR. These plants were nominated and selected by a committee of green industry professionals, educators, writers and trade association executives. To be selected, plants must meet the following criteria: hardy in Delaware; few disease and insect problems; non-invasive; adapts to a variety of landscape uses; possesses horticultural assets such as flower, fruit, leaf, habit, structure, attractiveness to wildlife, etc.; currently under-used in Delaware landscapes; available from Delaware growers, nurseries, and garden center outlets.

We offer a wide array of services aimed at simplifying your life