We’re back and IN-PERSON! The Summer Turf & Nursery Expo will be held August 4, 2021, at UD’s Carvel Research & Education Center (Home of Sussex County Cooperative Extension)
Come spend the day at the DNLA’s Summer Turf & Nursery Expo. Increase your knowledge, improve your skills, visit with exhibitors, and earn valuable pesticide and nutrient management credits.
A Hearty Picnic Luncheon Will Be Provided.
5 Delaware pesticide applicator recertification credits in Category 03 will be awarded.
Credits for PA, MD and ISA will also be available. 2 DE Nutrient Management CEU’s will also be awarded.
Topics include:
- Landscape Management – the Other Stuff
- Spreader & Sprayer Calibration
- Pest & Disease Walk
- Tree Triage
- Don’t Get Your Ash in Trouble
- Turfgrass and CNP Plant ID Challenge
Download the Registration Brochure and return with payment, or register via credit card at https://2021dnlasummerexpo.eventbrite.com/
UD’s Carvel Research & Education Center
16483 County Seat Highway (Rt. 9)
Georgetown, DE 19947